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About a Country or Place Welcome to Singapore
Posted by spainsun on Saturday, June 23, 2007 (22:16:23) (10417 reads)

Singapore is a river, a city, an island and a country. The history of the city goes back to a past a so much dark as it pierces in passing of merchants and pirates, until Raffles realized the strategic importance of the small island for the control of the trade among China, India and Europe.

From the moment in that you put the feet in this city, you realize that Singapore doesn't resemble any other place of the planet. The order, the cleaning, the facilities to move, everything is thought to please the citizen.

The level of life overpasses their neighbours. It social services, transport, parks, restaurants, hotels are comparable to that any advanced western country.

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Consejos Practicos MINI-GUÍA DE ISRAEL
Posted by Yennefer on Thursday, February 17, 2011 (14:24:15) (20386 reads)

Bienvenidos a esta Mini-Guía sobre Israel

En ella encontraréis información de interés básica pero esencial para viajar por Israel, como Transportes, Horarios y Urgencias. De este modo quienes viajéis allí por primera vez allí os vayáis familiarizando con el país.

Cualquier duda que tengáis y las preguntas que queráis realizar al respecto sobre los distintos temas la podéis hacer en los diferentes hilos del Foro de Israel, que os servirán también para hacer consultas y ampliar dicha información.

Os dejo además el enlace al Índice de Israel , que os facilitará la búsqueda de hilos. Espero que os sea de utilidad.

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AdventuresTravels Borneo / Kalimantan - Indonesia
Posted by prayitno on Sunday, January 04, 2009 (03:26:25) (10157 reads)

The people, who visited this area, mentioned this is magical and best experience of eco trip. We will direct you to meet one of endangered and enchanting big animals. It’s Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus sp). They are living free at natural home of Tanjung Puting National Park (Pangkalan Bun – Central Kalimantan). There are 3 feeding stations in this park (Camp Leaky, Pondok Tanggui & Tanjung Harapan) to reach every feeding station we will take you by traditional wooden river boat or called by Klotok. For your information that orang-utans in this park can be divided to be 2 different types. First is orang-utan who originally inhabitant in this park or called by wild orang-utan and second is rehabilitant orang-utan.

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